Wednesday, September 20, 2006

te metiste conmigo, pajarito :)

ayer estuvo el diablo en este mismo lugar huele a sufre...

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estuvo aqui hablando como si estuvo dueno del mundo... blah blah blah... dictadura mundial... (I wish I could have found it without the lame translator speaking over Chavez).

I think Chavez is rather "cheeky". If I, hypothetically, was a young woman living in latin america, I might agree with him. Does the US government want peace? It looks deceiving. For all of his theatrics, Chavez is at least trying (or instigating?) to address the point of view that sees the US as an imperialist power. "Si el pueblo podria hablar de una sola voz"- I wonder if the world, as one voice, would react against the US.

(and then I watch this video which pretty much shows me that Chavez needs just as much psychological help as he thinks Bush needs.)

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es la verdad que el pueblo esta en contra de la guerra de Irak, generalmente (y bueno es una tema sensible) pero me parece que Chavez esta hablando casi de el mismo, que tb tiene mucho poder y que tambien parece un poco como burro. (verdad q todos los politicos son burros?)

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