Thursday, August 24, 2006

back in the sattle...

I feel like I just finished school (well, I did actually) and school is already starting back up again on Monday. (I'm taking Greek and a class on Johannine writings). Dennis is planning on taking 3 classes this semester so that he will be finished with his B.S. by December, which is good and bad (good because he'll be done but bad because he'll be taking 3 classes and working full time.) We needed the vacation but I feel like we are going to be so busy and emotional over the next year that I already almost need another week off!! I hate this part of the year, when we hardly see each other and when we do, we are snippy (okay, to be fair, I am the most snippy).

The fall semester always brings new college students and new neighbors. So far this is good. But I can rant a little about how the rules seem to be tougher and tougher. Now, you can be pregnant and still live on campus. But you are not allowed to have any candles, even candles that haven't been burned. (and ofcourse, no alcohol.) I get that I chose to live on campus but I'm tempted to convert to Catholicism just so that by religion, I have the right to argue to have a candle. (In the community meeting, one guy asked about candles for channukah- I thought "what a good point!") Again, we chose to live on campus and to agree to these rules. But now we are starting to feel like we are too old to be so constrained. The benefits (being close to school and having free use of the gym) are still more important to me though.

Dennis's brother is still very sick and still needs a mountain of prayer. He's having awful reactions to the chemo- nausea and escalofrio chills and just very weak. I wish I could knit a great big blanket to send to him.

This last slide show is all of my cousin's little boy Lazarus, who is so cute that I want to eat him.

1 comment:

Spanish Kitchenette said...

when u aren't finantially balanced you better follow the rules and shut up :P no, seriously, I think u do fine about waiting in teh campus residece a little bit more till u get to finish ur degree and start in the labour work all settled ;-)

BTW, very nice fotos slideshow system! wow, u are very updated! :) loved all the pics, esp. the one u say u were trying 2 dance in your hotel room lol ;-) cute

Hope Dennis' brother gets to feel the side effects a little bit ligther. It is hard treatment, though.

Have a good weekend!