Sunday, October 22, 2006

OMG What is that in my garbage???

we have some pretty funky trees here at Pepperdine, outside our apartment. At night, you can hear them creaking and such. (alot of things like branches snapping, things like that.)

I know that it's part wind. and part raccoon. I've lived here for 6 years, and I've always known about these guys. But never really been able to take a photo.

Let me just say that they are pretty freaking scary. One walked right in front of me. It made the same sound a cat makes when it's angry. Stupid me for not wearing shoes. Lucky me, he continued on his way.

seriously, these things look evil.

1 comment:

Spanish Kitchenette said...

LOL! My God! I would get scared by their eyes :SSSS