Friday, December 08, 2006

Reason #2013 for Why I Love My Hubby....

Not only has he spent the past weeks (since he's been out of school), watching reality tv shows with me, but we are laughing and joking around so much more lately! But the reason why I really love him is for tonight when some college students knocked (banged) on our door (scaring the living daylights out of me!), to sing Christmas carols. They are going to Panama for Spring Break to do some kind of volunteering project (I think they work with an orphanage). And they just wanted a small donation.
Things are a little tight with us right now. Dennis has to pay for his airfare to Tennessee, Christmas makes December expensive anyway, and we've been thinking of the expenses of all of the dental work, etc. But Dennis didn't even think- he opened the checkbook (in his cute pajamas), and gave a donation. It was very cool and I felt so cool being his wife!
By the way, at first I felt soooo super gross looking in that photo. And then I realized- who looks good in sweats? really, what normal looking woman looks good in sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt? (I don't even think I was wearing a bra! We were relaxing at home!!) But, indeed, I did go to the gym for an hour and a half later! (I worked that cardio-elliptical-monster!!)

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